Thailand - Saint Petersburg

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Thailand - Saint Petersburg

Port of Loading : Laem Chabang, Thailand

Port of Transshipment : Haydarpasa, Turkey

Port of Discharging : St. Petersburg

Scope of work:

  1. Receiving cargoes into the holds of the vessel from SE Asia
  2. Arranging Unlashing and Discharging of Cargoes
  3. Arranging all necessary transit formalities and transit port handlings
  4. Pre-Loading Inspection of the Vessel and the Cargoes
  5. Chartering/Brokage of the 2 transshipment cargo vessels
  6. Supervising the Loading Operation of the 2 transshipment vessels

Cargo Details

Description of              : STEEL STRUCTURE

Volume of Cargoes       : 236 Units

Dimensions of Cargoes : max L : 1916, max W: 566, max H: 260 cm max weight: 29934,67 KGs

Deck Option                : Ondeck Not Allowed, Underdeck Only

Stackability                  : Stackable, 2 Tier only, Subject to Stackability Index on Packing List